I believe you

Your relationship has possibly derailed you from your center, from a strong sense of self and optimism. Leaving you both feeling abandoned and hopeless. And very few people, if any, seem to understand what you are experiencing or maybe minimize it and possibly blame you entirely. Your relationship with an Autism Spectrum partner presents a unique set of challenges that may be difficult to cope with without proper guidance. My therapeutic community experience is here to help you navigate all of its emotional and practical complexities, with your well-being as the central focus, while still honoring your partner’s differences and your love for them. This approach is crafted to support you, enhance your partner's experience, and strengthen your relationship.

“As a result of working with Lisa, I have released a lot of the anger and resentment, replacing it with more compassion for my husband. I'm still working on who and what I am, but releasing the negative energy will make that process more of a priority.

This has impacted my life such that I feel that a weight has been lifted and that I can now focus more on myself rather than my issues with my husband. I don't know if I've ever truly made myself a priority. Focusing on my growth is exciting.” -Ln, San Diego.

More testimonials

  • "The aspects of the coaching program that made the most significant impact on me were having you take the lead on "here's the plan, let's work through these steps." was so helpful to get me to see more of my own process and how much I wanted to live intentionally no matter what happens w/ my husband's choices and actions. You had some incredibly rich psychological connections that you helped me make and the wealth of information about the other NT spouses was huge for me to hear and feel validated."

    JR, New York

  • "What has changed as a result of the group coaching is that I have found a stronger sense of self. I am learning to validate my own experiences, sit with my own feelings/pain/struggle w/o jumping into the anxious attachment mode. I have been incredibly clear, direct, and also patient in expressing my requests, needs, and desires."

    MT, Los Angeles

  • "The group has impacted my life in that the cohort of other women has been so crucial in finding other people who have been through similar patterns in their intimate relationship and families. I know I can reach out to that group to find understanding, ideas, support and nurture. I feel so much stronger as an individual and know more who I am after going through the group process. I can only control my response and my choices, so I'm owning that responsibility more than ever to build the intentional life I want to live."

    Anonymous (for privacy)

How to thrive beyond Cassandra syndrome

You need a warm community

To feel psychological and emotional safety. Allow for community and trust with those who get it. And for others' stories to be integrated into your own so that healing and empowerment can begin. To make sense of your present experiences so that you are not in a constant state of overwhelm. Validate and understand your emotions - grief, anger, frustration, and shame.

You need Guidance from a professional who has had a personal experience similar to your own

To heal the attachment injuries you’ve been enduring. And of those from anywhere else in your timeline to help prevent the byproduct of past traumas from continuing to influence you. To learn powerful techniques and apply them regularly to eliminate mental and emotional anguish while navigating the relationship and overcoming triggers.

A framework designed for growth and reclamation

To reclaim or reestablish a strong sense of self. Organize around your highest values. Optimize what is working while in the relationship and roadmap for a more enjoyable daily experience - a process for releasing fears, resentments, and regret. Engage in constructive actions stemming from heart-brain coherence. Heal, nourish, process, and grow. Feel empowered again. And feel joy again!

More testimonials

  • "I would recommend the Thriving Beyond Cassandra Syndrome group to anyone who thinks their spouse is on the spectrum and they are feeling the untethered, spinning, and uncertainty of what to do next."

    BH, Chicago

  • "My favorite part of the group was the empathetic listening and responses from the other women who understood the difficulty in being in a similar relationship. I went into this wanting to gain skills to find peace in my life and relationship…and not die from anxiety and psychosomatic health issues. The main challenge I was facing were communication failure with my spouse, depression, frustration, anger, hopelessness, health problems. It felt like I needed to get my life back, get me back."

    SG, Houston

  • “My favorite part of the group was group share. I loved the group's makeup and found each woman's honesty and vulnerability, including yours, comforting and inspirational. I would you recommend the Thriving Beyond Cassandra Syndrome group coaching and therapeutic community to anyone struggling to identify a sense of self.”

    DW, Phoenix

Podcast Episode

Podcast Episode

Also, I invite you to listen to my podcast interview with Mona on Neurodiverse Love to learn how to heal and find your authentic self again. 

More testimonials

  • "What has changed as a result of this group coaching is that I can offer compassion to the child in me who first experienced the injury. I can see my part in how I feel and how I can change how I see and feel it. I can stop to look for what is behind my feelings."

    AF, San Diego

  • "The aspects of the coaching program that made the most significant impact on me were looking inward, Lisa helping each participant see deeper into their story to see behind the curtains we had all put up. Offering concrete, specific instruction and guidance. Meditations. Healing childhood injuries."

    NS, San Jose

  • “I almost didn't join because of anxiety and insecurity about exposing myself in a small group But I am so glad I did! My favorite aspects of the groups were walking back through someone's story and helping us all see what is behind the confusion and suffering. This was very helpful; what I could not articulate or know about myself, I would see it was true of me in another person's story. So very helpful to get me out from behind my protective behaviors. And Lisa’s transparency, honesty, and sincere desire to help make the course more meaningful and effective."

    RM, Dallas

this is the solution

Connecting with a community of people who understand your experiences is helpful. Sharing the stories with others can help integrate their experiences with your own and begin the process of healing and clarity. It's important to validate and understand your emotions, whether grief, anger, frustration, or shame, to make sense of them and process overwhelming feelings.

Receiving guidance from a professional who is well-versed in both the allistic and autism spectrum partner’s perspectives and who has personally navigated similar attachment injuries can be instrumental in preventing past traumas from negatively influencing your relationship.

By learning effective techniques and regularly applying them, you can navigate your relationship from a place of empowerment.

A framework designed for post-traumatic growth can help you reclaim a strong sense of self by organizing around your highest values. By optimizing what is working in your relationship and creating a roadmap for a more enjoyable daily experience, you can release fears, resentments, and regrets.

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  • 8-week group coaching and therapeutic community experience

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